import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm def make_spiral(arr): nrows, ncols= arr.shape idx = np.arange(nrows*ncols).reshape(nrows,ncols)[::-1] spiral_idx = [] while idx.size: spiral_idx.append(idx[0]) # Remove the first row (the one we've just appended to spiral). idx = idx[1:] # Rotate the rest of the array anticlockwise idx = idx.T[::-1] # Make a flat array of indices spiralling into the array. spiral_idx = np.hstack(spiral_idx) # Index into a flattened version of our target array with spiral indices. spiral = np.empty_like(arr) spiral.flat[spiral_idx] = arr.flat[::-1] return spiral # edge size of the square array. w = 251 # Prime numbers up to and including w**2. primes = np.array([n for n in range(2,w**2+1) if all( (n % m) != 0 for m in range(2,int(np.sqrt(n))+1))]) # Create an array of boolean values: 1 for prime, 0 for composite arr = np.zeros(w**2, dtype='u1') arr[primes-1] = 1 # Spiral the values clockwise out from the centre arr = make_spiral(arr.reshape((w,w))) plt.matshow(arr, cmap=cm.binary) plt.axis('off')